Bestiary 01 / 03Vagus is part of the sixth generation of his village.
The Great Trees shed birthing seeds roughly every 15 years, but only a little over half fully-gestate. The acorns that do not produce a village member are used for resources, as the shells are far more resilient than traditional wood.
The walking wood can gather knowledge through digestion, especially earlier in their life-cycle (some lose the ability as they age). As such, they are very careful about eating anything with an active mind. They will occasionally take small bites of flora or deceased creatures in order to learn more about them, but it is considered a risk, since they have no way of knowing how intense the sensations will be. Some find the experience so unpleasant that they only attempt it once.
Their internal organs are made of a dense, pulp-like substance and they are vulnerable to damage. For defense, their outer bark is tough and unpalatable to most creatures. Their sap-like saliva can be used to mend their bark and stop blood flow, should a wound be deep enough.
The Walking Wood can live up to 120 years before returning to the soil.
Bestiary 02 / 03Priscilla is one of four Ladybugs that oversee Hidden Hollow.
The amount of Ladybugs within a particular community is based on population size. Priscilla graduated from the School of the Silver Garden, one of the more prestigious institutions, and she was assigned to Hidden Hollow upon graduation. She was the third to arrive.
The Ladybugs are both revered and feared throughout the world. Unlike many of the other insect tribes, they work directly with the forest – and more specifically, the walking wood.
In villages, they provide both council and mediation, and they are expected to keep a certain distance from the villagers to remain objective. While they frequently report to the Great Trees, they are not subordinates. Only those high within The Guild of the Ladybugs can directly command them, and even that is a rare occurrence. They are predominantly independent upon completing their training.
Creatures from outside the village rarely attempt to breach the village walls. Those that do typically meet a swift and efficient demise.
The Great Tree
Bestiary 03 / 03Great Trees are found all over the world. They vary greatly in both size and their ability to communicate with others. Some are lucid and speak freely, while others do not speak at all.
Hidden Hollow’s Great Tree is semi-lucid. It flows between ancient tongues and common language seemingly at random. The villagers revere and respect their Great Tree, but rarely seek to communicate with it due to its inconsistencies.
On rare occasions, the Great Tree’s leaves shine white, as though filled with moonlight, and it will sing a song in an unknown dialect. Every member of Hidden Hollow shares a single consciousness for the duration of the aria.