Priscilla is one of four Ladybugs that oversee Hidden Hollow.
The amount of Ladybugs within a particular community is based on population size. Priscilla graduated from the School of the Silver Garden, one of the more prestigious institutions, and she was assigned to Hidden Hollow upon graduation. She was the third to arrive.
The Ladybugs are both revered and feared throughout the world. Unlike many of the other insect tribes, they work directly with the forest – and more specifically, the walking wood.
In villages, they provide both council and mediation, and they are expected to keep a certain distance from the villagers to remain objective. While they frequently report to the Great Trees, they are not subordinates. Only those high within The Guild of the Ladybugs can directly command them, and even that is a rare occurrence. They are predominantly independent upon completing their training.
Creatures from outside the village rarely attempt to breach the village walls. Those that do typically meet a swift and efficient demise.