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Lore & Legends


The walking wood frequently throw celebrations. They commemorate everything from the changing of seasons and plentiful harvests, to funerals and lunar eclipses. Their celebrations consist of lawn games, dancing, storytelling, sharing food and communal music.

Birthing years and funerals are their most elaborate get-togethers. The entire village joins in and they last for multiple days.

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Lore & Legends


The walking wood eat a vegetarian diet. It is possible for them to digest meat, but they only do so in desperation. Fruit, mushrooms and root vegetables are staples. While they can go a very long time without eating, food is something they particularly enjoy. They consume raw and cooked food in equal measures.

Before they consume anything, it is mandatory to first check if their potential food is conscious. The most common method is to simply poke the item in question. If it responds with any form of language or communication, it must be left alone. If it does not respond, it is considered "sleeping" and is therefore safe to eat.

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